The Madrone is sited along the majority of the frontage on both State and Water streets, and has been set back from the property lines to create a widened promenade which provides views to the Capital Building, Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. Along State street and integrated into the façade are public art panels designed by local artist Nikki McClure depicting a musical gathering in a madrone tree on a northwest waterfront.
The design envisions two retail spaces - a 2,000 square foot restaurant and a 1,000 square foot retail space, as well as space for thirty-nine vehicles. The upper four floors have a mix of 2 bedroom (16 units), one bedroom (28 units) and studios, (16 units) totaling 60 dwelling units.
LOCATION Olympia, WA DATE 2023 TOTAL SQUARE FT 54,175 SF PROJECT TYPE Mixed Use Multi Family Housing CLIENT Urban Olympia STATUS Completed